COP21 Breaking News_03 December: Unprecedented Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction to Combat Climate Change

Ministers from Cameroon, Finland, France, Morocco, Senegal and Sweden, international organizations, multinational CEOs and civil society leaders launch the alliance to speed up and scale-up the potential of the sector for climate action. Paris, 3 December 2015 – 18 countries (Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Senegal, Singapore, Sweden, Tunisia, […]

COP21 Breaking News_03 December: UNFCCC Secretariat Launches Forest Information Hub

A new forest information hub is being launched by the UNFCCC secretariat today. Called the Lima REDD+ Information Hub, the platform contains a clear overview of verified actions that have been implemented voluntarily by developing countries to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Brazil is the first country to have an entry in the hub. […]

COP21 Breaking News_03 December: Argentina Accepts KP Amendment

The Argentine Republic submitted its instrument of acceptance of the Doha amendment to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on 1 December 2015. The amendment is expected to enter into force after three quarters of the Parties to the Protocol submit their instruments of acceptance to the Depositary. The United Nations […]

COP21 Breaking News_03 December: There is a new draft agreement on the negotiating table

The delegates of 195 countries responsible for negotiating a climate agreement in Paris now have, since Thursday morning, a new draft text that is a few pages shorter but still contains some 250 options. The text, which is now 50 pages long instead of 55, was posted on Thursday morning on the website of the […]

COP21 Breaking News: China has promised to cut emissions from its coal power plants by 60% by 2020

China will modernize its coal power plants by 2020 so as to cut their pollutant emissions by 60%, the Chinese government announced on Wednesday during the world Paris Climate Conference (COP21). This initiative would help save some 100 million tonnes of raw coal and prevent the discharge of about 180 million tonnes of CO2each year, […]

COP21 Breaking News: Conference of Youth Focuses on Hard Skills to Drive Greater Climate Action

Climate communication, civic crowdfunding, the function of INDCs – these were only some of the core topics and hard skills behind effective climate action that were offered during the 11th Conference of Youth (COY), the latest gathering of youth that precedes the annual UN conference on climate change. This year’s conference was about optimism, hope and […]

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