Decarbonizing real estate: How to price the net zero transition to avoid a ‘carbon bubble’

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Kalin Bracken, Lead, Real Estate, World Economic Forum Real estate is the largest asset class in the world and it’s also one of the most significant contributors to global carbon emissions. As recognition of the existential threat of […]

Why we need global cooperation on decarbonizing cities and real estate

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Christian Ulbrich, Global Chief Executive Officer; President, JLL Given more than 60% of carbon emissions within cities typically come from buildings, a concerted effort to decarbonize real estate is needed sooner rather than later. With little harmonization or […]

Putin becomes the ‘perfect enemy” for the West

Putin, after having won last Sunday’s presidential election in Russia with a landslide of 76.7% is now turning to the West for détente. According to Reuters, he said “had no desire for an arms race and would do everything he could to resolve differences with other countries”. Only a few days ahead of election Sunday […]

Draghi’s 2018 compromise: enough money printing to revive inflation and check euro ascent

Last Thursday Mario Draghi, the President of the European Central Bank, reassured the Eurozone banking conglomerates they will continue being blessed with zero cost money, well into the foreseeable future. He stated, “one thing is clear; the bottom line is that interest rates will stay, as it’s written here, at the present levels (zero for […]

EU legislation protecting home buyers approved in Parliament

It was high time that the European Union authorities took action to protect home buyers from the insatiable appetite of banks. Mortgages constitute the standard tool for households to acquire, usually, their first home. For consumers this is a very long term engagement, especially for wage earners. Given the fact that mortgages may span up […]

Germany hides its own banks’ problems

The insistence of the Brussels, Berlin and Paris authorities that Cyprus is a special case and the rest of the Eurozone banking system is safe, has only superficial value. Markets do not believe that. It’s not only that the Greek, Italian or even the Spanish banking systems are in deep trouble. The problems are not […]

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