CHINA: five letters that could mean…

Written by Federica, IT

China Unlimited Europe 2015

CHINA: five letters that could mean…

Culture: the classics of Confucianism and Taoism in the literature, the charming pagodas and pavilions in the architecture, the traditional Chinese medicine (including herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage), the fascinating calligraphy… these are only a few items from the wonderful world of Chinese culture…

History: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and many other fascinating buildings, declared ‘World Cultural Heritage Sites’ by UNESCO, allow for an unforgettable historical journey through the imperial dynasties and the history of China.

Inventions: the ‘Four Great Inventions of Ancient China‘ (papermaking, movable-type printing, compass and gunpowder) but also alcoholic beverages, porcelain, silk, banknotes and many other items traditionally considered as invented in China gave a fundamental contribution to the development of human civilization.

Nature: home to a large variety of wildlife, China is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries… Various endangered species (such as the Giant Panda, the South China’s Tiger or the Tibetan Takin) are protected by law and 2349 natural reserves cover a total area of almost 150 millions ha.

Amazing: 1,3 billion people, 14 borders… a modern country with 1 billion mobile phones, almost 300 million internet users, the world’s longest high-speed rail (16.000 Km)…which other adjective can describe China, if not amazing?

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