Can Argentina’s new president save the country’s economy?

This article is brought to you thanks to the collaboration of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. There were celebrations in Argentina last weekend following the election of a new president. But for the winner, Alberto Fernández and his running mate Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (a polarizing former president dubbed “CFK” by supporters), the sobering task […]

Further reforms needed for a stronger and more inclusive Argentine economy

This article is brought to you in association with OECD. The Argentine economy is expected to begin emerging from its deep recession in 2019, but significant risks remain. Recovery from the crisis will require new efforts to restore confidence, build solid macroeconomic foundations, improve governance, create jobs and ensure that future growth is greener and benefits […]

Argentina’s agro-food sector is growing remarkably, but agriculture policies are not keeping pace

This article is brought to you in association with OECD. The Argentinian agro-food sector has grown remarkably over the past thirty years, driven by innovation, an abundance of young, well-educated farmers and strong international prices. While Argentina’s use of export taxes has raised much-needed revenue for the federal government, the policy has reduced gross farm revenues […]

The China-US trade deal will be signed on time; the path is set

The China-US trade truce agreed upon by the US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping has just prolonged the uncertainties haunting all and every world market. Stock exchanges on Monday went up and then on Tuesday fell on the news. The respite was struck last Saturday between the two leaders, in the […]

GSMA Mobile 360 Series – Latin America, in association with The European Sting

Sponsored content Digital innovation continues to accelerate across Latin America, and 5G and IoT technology offers further opportunity for fast and effective methods of communication. While this technology promises to be transformational, implementing the technology brings challenges. As the region races towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, GSMA Mobile 360 Series – Latin America 2018 convenes […]

What do the economic woes of Turkey, Argentina and Indonesia have in common?

This article is brought to you thanks to the strategic cooperation of The European Sting with the World Economic Forum. Author: Michael Hanley, Head of Digital Communications, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum Since Turkey suffered an economic crisis of confidence in September – with its currency falling by some 40% that month – emerging markets around […]

IMF: All you want to know about Argentina

This article is brought to you in association with the International Monetary Fund Written by IMF staff Frequently asked questions about Argentina, June 7, 2018 How much money will be disbursed to Argentina to support the new economic plan? Argentina and IMF staff have reached an agreement on an economic plan that can be supported by […]

Business uncertainty rises as US grants only temporary exception to EU for steel and aluminium tariffs

Trump’s America first decided last Monday to prolong negotiations on steel and aluminium tariffs with Canada, the EU and Mexico till June 1. This announcement was made just a few hours before the temporary exception expires preventing retaliation and massive impact on the relationship between the U.S., EU, Canada and Mexico. However, the EU officials expressed […]

Brexit: The Conservative Party drives the UK and Europe to a perilous road

The Tories, the governing party of Britain is falling apart, being deeply divided about the kind of Brexit their country should pursue. It’s not the disastrous political circumstances of Prime Minister Theresa May that blocks the negotiations with the European Union, but the chaos dividing the hard Brexiteers from their colleagues preferring a smooth partition […]

Trump ‘used’ G20 to side with Putin and split climate and trade packs

While protesters were dynamically trying to reach the part of Hamburg where the G20 leaders of the largest economies of the world were gathered, the most powerful politicians of the globe were reduced to the status of viewers, in the Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin spectacle of rapprochement. Trump also ‘used’ the G20 to tell […]

Europe to turn the Hamburg G20 Summit into a battlefield

This week’s G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany is expected to become a battlefield from the very first gathering. Chancellor Angela Merkel is to attack the US President Donald Trump, about his rejection of the Paris Climate Agreement. The American will reply with a demand for ‘free and fair trade’ as he ventures it, especially for […]

The US banks drive the developing world to a catastrophe

How is it possible that the good news of the growth of the American economy which has raised its gear, also brings forth crisis and possibly destruction in developing countries? Yet this is exactly what is already happening in our brave new world. The good news is that the US economy now grows at a […]

Trade protectionism and cartels threaten democracy

Trade protectionism is a very dangerous medicine for economic illnesses. On most occasions it is like a drug that kills the pain and the symptoms but at the same time it dilutes the possibility to cure the illness that causes them. If an economy loses its competitiveness in a certain sector or in the entire […]

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