Id ego x superego

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This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Mr. Ándrew Suguru Sato, a 22 years old second-year medical student. He is affiliated with the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writer and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, nor The European Sting’s one.

Deaths, collapse, isolation, mental health, unemployment. All this because of a little cold? I didn’t even pick it up and look like I’m young, so even if I do, I don’t die; And I already took it, I am protected, I can go out; Guys, the virus is small, it doesn’t have a mask for it; It is all China’s fault, it’s eating bats and the government doesn’t do anything either; Chloroquine and personal hydroxychloroquine, taking a vaccine has a 50% chance of dying.

You say that we heard at the beginning of the pandemic and we still hear it. Finding the culprit does not solve anything and being innocent in the pandemic is not a justification for not preventing yourself, both for yourself and for others.

Was the first wave inevitable, the second, perhaps, and the third? According to Mendes, E.V., (2020) the third wave involves both government strategies, but mainly individual ones. After 1 year of suffering, have we not yet learned to have more compassion? Thinking more about others than about yourself?

The vaccine is already coming. If you read the news, we see that it has an effect: in Scotland, hospitalizations of people over 80 have decreased by 81%. In the UK, admissions decreased by 94% and 85% when people were vaccinated with Astrazeneca and Biontech, respectively.

But if we continue to believe that we can stop wearing a mask, go out more unnecessarily, do not wash our hands, it will not solve the effort that you have made, that the frontline fighters have made until today.

Inhibit your id ego more and act more for the superego.

About the author

Ándrew Suguru Sato is 22 years old and a second-year medical student. He is president of the Academic League of health and spirituality (LIASE). He has always been dedicated to helping vulnerable populations from extracurricular projects, and developing the human side by the group Humanizart.

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